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Why can't we recycle plastic in the same way we do for metal?
【单词】recycle [ree-'sahy-kuhl][?ri?'sa?kl] vt. 再利用;使再循环;再制
【单词】plastic ['plas-tik]['pl?st?k] n. 塑料;塑料制品eth
【单词】metal ['met-l]['metl] n. 金属;合金

Melt it and remold it?
【单词】Melt 原型:melt 动词原形 [melt][melt] vt. 使融化;使熔化;使消散
【单词】remold ['ri?'m??ld] v. 改造;改铸

Well, for one, polymers degrade when melted, so you can't just turn a PET water bottle into a new PET water bottle.

【解析】这里的for one和后面的for two、for three等是“第一点”、“第二点”、“第三点”……的意思
【单词】polymers 原型:polymer ['pol-uh-mer]['p?l?m?] n. 聚合体
【单词】degrade [dih-'greyd or, for 3, dee-'greyd][d?'ɡre?d] v. 降格;使屈辱;贬低;退化;降解
【单词】melted 原型:melt [melt][melt] 聚丙烯 vi. 融化;熔化;消散 vt. 使融化;使熔化;使消散 n. 熔化物;融化;熔解
【单词】bottle ['bot-l]['b?tl] n. 瓶子 vt. 抑制;把 ... 装入瓶内
【专有名词】PET 是Polyethylene Terephthalate的简称,中文名为聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯,俗称涤纶树脂,作为塑料广泛用于电气插座、各种把手和饮料瓶、矿泉水瓶等方面

It won't have the same properties anymore.
【单词】anymore [en-ee-'mawr, -'mohr]['en?m??] adv. (通常用于疑问句或否定句中,与not连用)再,也,还

You can use post-consumer recycled PET in something else, like a CPET microwave dinner tray, but even then you can't just use all of it, you can only use a small percentage of it.
【单词】microwave ['mahy-kroh-weyv]['ma?kr?we?v] n. 微波;微波炉
【单词】tray [trey][tre?] n. 托盘;盘
【单词】percentage [per-'sen-tij][p?'sent?d?] n. 百分率;比例;部分
【专有名词】CPET 是PET材料中的一种

EDIT: That "something else" can, in fact, be a new bottle, but it will almost certainly be mixed with virgin material and won't be 100% recycled.
【短语】in fact 事实上,实际上
【单词】EDIT 原型:edit 动词原形 ['ed-it]['ed?t] vt. 剪辑;编辑;校订
【单词】mixed 原型:mix [miks][m?ks] v. 混合;掺入;合成;融合
【单词】virgin ['vur-jin]['v??d??n] adj. 未开发的;纯洁的;原始的

For two, you can't mix types of plastics, which means that either consumers have to be exceptional at separating their types of plastic (by which I mean the cap and ring on your water bottle has to be separated since they're probably PP while the bottle itself is PET) or we have to have people sort through garbage bags full of recycling to separate it, which adds a hell of a lot to the cost.
【单词】exceptional [ik-'sep-shuh-nl][?k'sep??nl] adj. 异常的;例外的;特别的
【单词】separating 原型:separate ['sep-uh-reyt]['sep?r?t] v. 分开;隔开;区分
【单词】cap [kap][k?p] n. 盖子;顶
【单词】ring [ring][r??] n. 环;圈
【单词】garbage ['gahr-bij]['ɡɑ?b?d?] n. 垃圾;废物;食物残渣
【单词】bags 原型:bag [bag][b?ɡ] n. 袋;袋状物;包
【单词】hell [hel][hel] n. 地狱;苦境;极大的痛苦
【专有名词】PP 是指聚丙烯,是塑料或者说树脂的一种,属于食品级别的材质


There's also the fact that most plastics have some additives in them, for one reason or another, and plastics with certain additives can't be mixed with others.
【单词】additives 原型:additive ['ad-i-tiv]['?d?t?v] n. 添加剂 adj. 加添的

For three, any contaminants (adhesives from stickers, residue from food or drink, etc) have to be washed off to the point where they're as close to completely gone as possible, which is basically impossible and also adds a ton of labor, again increasing the cost dramatically.
【单词】contaminants 原型:contaminant [kuhn-'tam-uh-nuhnt][k?n't?m?n?nt] n. 杂质;污染物质;沾染物
【单词】adhesives 原型:adhesive [ad-'hee-siv, -ziv][?d'hi?s?v] n. 粘着的东西
【单词】stickers 原型:sticker ['stik-er]['st?k?] n. 贴纸;粘附物;固执的人
【单词】residue ['rez-i-doo, -dyoo]['rez?dju?] n. 残渣;剩余物
【单词】etc ['etk] abbr. 及其他;等等(=Et cetera)
【单词】washed 原型:wash [wosh, wawsh][w??] v. 洗;洗涤;洗清
【单词】completely [kuhm-'pleet][k?m'pli?tli] adv. 完全地;十分地;全然
【单词】basically ['bey-sik-lee]['be?s?kli] adv. 基本上;主要地
【单词】impossible [im-'pos-uh-buhl][?m'p?s?bl] adj. 不可能的;做不到的
【单词】ton [tuhn][t?n] n. 吨;<口>大量
【单词】labor ['ley-ber]['le?b?] n. 工作;劳力,劳动
【单词】dramatically [druh-'mat-ik][dr?'m?t?kli] adv. 戏剧地;引人注目地

For four, not all plastics are thermoplastics - thermosetting polymers cannot be melted down, they'll just burn up and release a ton of pollutants into the air.
【单词】thermoplastics [thur-muh-'plas-tik][θ??m?'pl?st?ks] n. 热塑性塑料
【单词】thermosetting ['thur-moh-set-ing]['θ??m???set??] adj. 热固的;热硬化性的
【单词】burn [burn][b??n] v. 燃烧;烧着;烧毁
【单词】release [ri-'lees][r?'li?s] vt. 释放
【单词】pollutants 原型:pollutant [puh-'loot-nt][p?'lu?t?nt] n. 污染物质

And obviously you can't mix thermoplastic polymers and thermosetting polymers.
【单词】obviously ['?bvi?sli] adv. 显然地
【单词】thermoplastic [thur-muh-'plas-tik][?θ??m??'pl?st?k] adj. 热后可塑性的

And for five, it's largely just not feasible to use post-consumer recycled plastics because it's 1) extremely expensive to buy and 2) can be extremely difficult to work into your existing process while maintaining quality and matching the needed performance without using so little that it's basically irrelevant.
【单词】largely ['lahrj-lee]['lɑ?d?li] adv. 大部分;主要地
【单词】feasible ['fee-zuh-buhl]['fi?z?bl] adj. 可行的;可能的
【单词】extremely [ik-'streem-lee][?k'stri?mli] adv. 非常;极其
【单词】expensive [ik-'spen-siv][?k'spens?v] adj. 昂贵的;高价的
【单词】existing 原型:exist [ig-'zist][?ɡ'z?st] v. 存在;生存;活着
【单词】maintaining 原型:maintain [meyn-'teyn][me?n'te?n] vt. 维持;维修;保养
【单词】matching 原型:match [mach][m?t?] v. 相配;和...相配;相一致
【单词】irrelevant [ih-'rel-uh-vuhnt][?'rel?v?nt] adj. 不恰当的;无关系的;不相干的

You're paying through the nose to use a tiny amount of the stuff you bought, just to be able to put a label on your product that says "Contains post-consumer recycled material!"
【单词】pay through the nose 是指“付费过高;花钱过多”
【单词】tiny ['tahy-nee]['ta?ni] adj. 极小的;微小的
【单词】stuff [stuhf][st?f] n. 东西;原料;材料
【单词】label ['ley-buhl]['le?bl] vt. 贴标签于;把 ... 归类
【单词】Contains 原型:contain [kuhn-'teyn][k?n'te?n] vt. 容纳;包含

Basically, plastic recycling - while it is done to some extent - is much more limited than the public has been led to believe, and in an amount of cases that would shock the average person, is outright impossible.
【单词】limited 原型:limit ['lim-it]['l?m?t] vt. 限制;限定
【单词】shock [shok][??k] v. 使震惊;使震动;使受电击
【单词】average ['av-er-ij, 'av-rij]['?v?r?d?] adj. 平均的;一般的;通常的
【单词】outright ['out-'rahyt, -rahyt]['a?tra?t] adv. 率直地;立刻地;彻底地


I guarantee that 80-90% of the plastic items people put in their recycling bin actually end up in a landfill or incinerated because they can't actually be recycled for a myriad of reasons.
【单词】guarantee [gar-uhn-'tee][?ɡ?r?n'ti?] vt. 保证;担保
【单词】items 原型:item ['ahy-tuhm]['a?t?m] n. 一件商品(或物品),一件物品
【单词】bin [bin][b?n] n. 箱柜;仓;垃圾箱
【单词】landfill ['land-fil]['l?ndf?l] n. 垃圾填埋地
【单词】incinerated [in-'sin-uh-reyt][?n's?n?re?t] v. 焚化(废物);烧成灰;火化
【单词】myriad ['mir-ee-uhd]['m?ri?d] adj. 无数的 n. 极大数量

标签: 100 eth 聚丙烯
