
张华 64 0

table [?te?b(?)l] n. 桌子, 表格

table tennis [?te?b(?)l ?ten?s] n. 乒乓球

tablet?ten?s n. 药片

tail [te?l] n. (动物的)尾巴

tailor [?te?l?(r)] n. 裁缝

take (took, taken) [te?k] vt. 拿;拿走;做;服用;乘坐;花费

take A for B 把A误以为B

take in 吸收;领会;欺骗;接待;接受;理解;拘留

take action 采取行动

take steps/measures 采取措施

tale [te?l] n. 故事, 传说

talent [?t?l?nt] n. 天才, 天赋

Ordinary people merely think how they should spend their time; a man of talent tries to use it.


He is a talent but he always hides his light.


talk [t??k] n.& v.谈话,讲话,演讲,交谈

tall [t??l] a. 高的

tank [t??k] n. 储水容量;坦克

tanker [?t??k?(r)] n. 油船

tap [t?p] n. (自来水煤气等的)龙头

tape [te?p] n. 磁带;录音带

tape recorder [te?p r??k??d?(r)] n. 磁带录音机

target [?tɑ?ɡ?t] n./ v. 目标, 把…作为攻击目标

task [tɑ?sk; (US) t?sk] n. 任务, 工作

taste [te?st] n. 品尝, 尝味;味道 vt. 品尝, 尝味

I don’t like the taste of olives(橄榄).


I have lost my sense of taste.


The dish tastes delicious.


tasteless [?te?stl?s] a. 无滋味的

tasty [?te?st?] a. 味道好的

tax [t?ks] n. 税, 税款

tax-free [t?ks fri?]免税的

taxi [?t?ks?] n. 出租汽车

taxipayer n. 纳税人

tea [ti?] n. 茶;茶叶

teach(taught,taught) [ti?] v. 教书,教

teacher [?ti?t??(r)] n. 教师, 教员

team [ti?m] n. 队, 组

teamwork [?ti?mw??k] n. 合作, 协同工作

teapot [?ti?p?t] n. 茶壶

tear [te?(r)] n. 眼泪 v. 扯破, 撕开

I tore the letter in half/ into halves.


burst into tears 突然哭起来

He left the room in tears. 他哭着离开了房间。

tease [ti?z] v. 取笑, 戏弄, 寻开心

technical [?tekn?k(?)l] a. 技术的, 工艺的

technique [?tekn?k(?)l] n. 技术;技巧,方法

technology [tek?n?l?d??] n. 技术

teenager [?ti?ne?d??(r)] n.(13~19岁的)青少年, 十几岁的少年

telegram [?tel?ɡr?m] n. 电报

telegraph [?tel?ɡrɑ?f; (US) -ɡr?f] v. (拍) 电报

telephone [?tel?ɡrɑ?f; (US) -ɡr?f] v. 打电话 n. 电话

telephone-booth或telephone-box n. 公用电话间

telescope [?tel?ɡrɑ?f; (US) -ɡr?f] n. 望远镜

television [?tel?ɡrɑ?f; (US) -ɡr?f] n. 电视

tell (told, told) [tel] vt.告诉,讲述,吩咐

tell sb sth=tell sth to sb 告诉某人某事

tell the truth/lies 讲事实/说谎

tell A from B 区分A和B

Can you tell the differences between B.E. and A.E.?


temperature [?tempr?t??(r)] n. 温度

temple [?temp(?)l] n. 庙宇, 寺院

temporary [?temp?r?r?] a. 短暂的, 暂时的

temptation [temp?te??(?)n] n. 引诱;诱惑

tend [tend] v. 往往会, 常常就, 倾向, 趋于

tend to do sth 往往会......

I tend to see pictures in my mind when I am reading or listening.


Women tend to live longer than men.


I’d tend the store while you’re away.


tend to the sick 照料病人

tendency [?tend?ns?] n. 倾向, 偏好, 性情

tennis [?ten?s] n. 网球

ten [ten] num. 十

tense [tens] a. 拉紧的, 紧张的 v.(使)拉紧,(使)变得紧张 n. 时态

tension [?ten?(?)n] n. 紧张局势, 矛盾

tent [tent] n. 帐篷

tentative [tent] a. 不确定的, 踌躇的

term [t??m] n. 学期;术语;条款;项

terminal [t??m] a.(火车汽车飞机)终点站

terrible [?ter?b(?)l] a. 可怕的;糟糕的

terrify [?ter?fa?] vt. 使人感到恐怖

terror [?ter?(r)] n. 恐惧, 惊恐

be terrified at 被...…吓了一跳

We were terrified at the deafening explosion.


test [test] vt.& n. 测试, 考查, 试验

take a test 参加测验

a test for Aids 艾滋病测试

The match is a real test of character for us.


The climb tested our fitness and energy.


text [tekst] n. 文本, 课文

textbook n. 课本, 教科书

than [een, e?n] conj. 比

thank [θ??k] vt. 感谢, 致谢, 道谢 n. (复)感谢, 谢意

thanks to 幸亏,由于

Thanks to a lot of hard work, we succeeded.


How can I express my thanks to you?


thank sb for sth/doing sth 因......感谢某人

thankful [?θ??kf?l] a. 感谢的, 感激的

that [e?t] a.& pron.那, 那个 conj. 那, 那个(引导宾语从句等)ad. 那么, 那样

the [e?, e?, ei?] art. 这(那)个,这(那)些(用于特定人或物, 序数词, 最高级, 专有名词, 世上独一 无二事物前)

theatre (美theater) ['θi?t?] n. 剧场, 戏院

theft [θeft] n. 盗窃案

their [ee?(r)] pron. 他(她,它)们的

theirs [ee?z] pron. 他(她,它)们的

them [e(?)m, eem] pron. 他/她/它们(宾格)

theme [θi?m] n. 主题

themselves [e?m?selvz] pron.他/她/它们自己

then [een] ad. 当时,那时,然后,那么

theoretical [θ???ret?k(?)l] a. 理论的

theory [θ???ret?k(?)l] n. 理论

there [ee?(r)] int. 那!你瞧(表示引起注意) n. 那里, 那儿 ad. 在那里, 往那里;(作引导词)表”存在"

therefore [?ee?f??(r)] ad. 因此, 所以

thermos [?θ??m?s] n. 热水瓶

these [?θ??m?s] a. & pron. 这些

they [ee?] pron. 他(她)们;它们

thick [θ?k] a. 厚的

thief (复thieves) [θi?f] n. 窃贼, 小偷

thin[θ?n] a. 薄的;瘦的;稀的

thing [θ??] n. 东西;(复)物品, 用品;事情, 事件

think(thought, thought) [θ??k] v. 想;认为;考虑

I think so.

I don’t think so.

think of 记起,想起;考虑

think about 考虑

think for oneself 独立思考

thinking n. 思维,思想;想法,见解

I had to do some quick thinking.


thinking [?θ??k??] n. 思索;见解;想法

third [θ??d] num. 第三

thirst [θ??d] n. 渴; 口渴

thirsty [?θ??st?] a. 渴

We were hungry and thirsty.

He is thirsty for money/power.

have a thirst for knowledge 渴求知识

thirteen [θ???ti?n] num. 十三

thirty [?θ??t?] num. 三十

this [e?s] a.& pron.这, 这个

thorough [?θ?r?; (US) ?θ?r??] a. 彻底的

those [e??z] a.& pron.那些

though [e??] conj. 虽然, 可是

thought [θ??t] n. 思考,思想;念头

On second thought(s)(再一想,转念一想),he decided to accept his invitation.

deep in thought= lost in thought 沉思

thousand [?θa?z?nd] num. 千

thread [θred] n. 线

three [θri?] num. 三

thrill [θr?l] n./ v. 兴奋, 激动

thriller [?θr?l?(r)] n. 惊险小说

throat [θr??t] n. 喉咙

through [θru?] prep.穿(通)过;从始至终 ad.穿(通)过;自始至终

throughout [θru??a?t] prep. 遍及, 贯穿

throughout the night 整夜

throughout the town 全城

throw(threw,thrown) [θr??] v.投,掷,扔

throw up 呕吐

throw sth out 随口说出

thunder [?θ?nd?(r)] n.& v. 雷声, 打雷

thunderstorm [?θ?nd?st??m] n.雷电交加暴风雨

Thursday [?θ??zde?] n. 星期四

thus [e?s] ad. 这样;因而

He studied hard; thus(因此)he got high marks(分数).

He hanged himself on the tree, thus(这样)ending his life.

Tibet [ti'bet] n. 西藏

Tibeta [ti'bet?n] n. 西藏人;西藏语

tick [t?k] vt. 作记号

ticket [?t?k?t] n. 票;卷

tidy [?t?k?t] a. 整洁的, 干净的 vt. 弄整洁, 弄干净

tie [ta?] vt. (用绳, 线)系, 拴, 扎 n. 领带, 绳子, 结;关系

The match ended in a tie. 比赛打成平局

Our team tied (with) their team.=Our team was tied with their team. 打成平局

Please tie the horse to the tree. 请把马拴到树上。

tiger [?ta?ɡ?(r)] n. 老虎

tight [ta?t] a. 紧的

till [t?l] conj.& prep.直到,直到…为止

time [ta?m] n. 时间;时期;钟点,次,回 vt.测定…的时间,记录…的时间

all the time=always 一直

ahead of time= in advance 提前

at a time 一次

at one time 从前,一度

at times=sometimes有时候

from time to time 不时的,时而,偶尔

in no time 立刻,马上

in time及时,迟早

in time for sth 来得及干某事

Time is up. 时间到了。

on time 准时

take one’s time 慢慢来

waste no time (in) doing 赶紧干某事

It is (high) time (that) we started out. 我们该出发了。

At no time have I said such a thing. 我决没有说过这种话。

It is the first time (that) I have read such a book.我第一次读这样的书

timetable [?ta?mte?b(?)l] n.(火车、公共汽车等)时间表;(学校)课表

tin [t?n] n. (英)罐头, 听头

tiny [?ta?n?] adj. tinier, tiniest a. 极小的, 微小的

tip [t?p] n.& v.顶端, 尖端;告诫; 提示 (给)小费

tire [?ta??(r)] vi. 使疲劳

tired adj.

tiring adj.

tiredness n. 疲惫

sth tire sb out. 某事使某人疲惫

sb be tired out 某人疲惫了

sb be tired of sth./doing sth. 某人厌倦了某事

sb be tired with/from sth./doing sth. 某人因某事疲惫

tired [?ta??d] a. 疲劳的, 累的

tiresomev a. 令人厌倦的

tissue [?t??u?, ?t?sju?] n. (人, 动植物的)组织, 纸巾

title [?t??u?,?t?sju?] n. 标题, 题目

to [t?, tu?] prep. (动词不定式符号, 无词义);(表示接受动作的人或物)给;对, 向, 到;在…之前

toast [t??st] v./ n. 烤面包,吐司,干杯

drink a toast to… 向......干杯

a piece of toast 一片考面包

a toasted sandwich 一个烤三明治

tobacco [t??st] n. 烟草, 烟叶

today [t??st] ad.& n.今天;现在,当前

together [t??st] ad. 一起, 共同

toilet [?t??l?t] n. 厕所

Tokyo [?t??kj??] n. 东京

tolerate [?t?l?re?t] v. 容许, 允许, 忍受

Those who know how to tolerate others can naturally lead a happy life.


tomato [t??mɑ?t??; (US) t??me?t??] n. 西红柿, 番茄

tomb [tu?m] n. 坟墓

tomorrow [t??m?r??] ad. & n.明天

ton [t??m?r??] n.(重量单位)吨

tongue [t??] n. 舌, 舌头

mother tongue=native language 母语

tonight [t??na?t] ad.& n. 今晚, 今夜

too [t??na?t] ad.也,还,又,太,过分,很,非常

tool [tu?l] n. 工具, 器具

tooth (复 teeth) [tu?θ] n. 牙齿

toothache [?tu?θe?k] n. 牙痛

toothbrush [?tu?θbr??] n. 牙刷

toothpaste [?tu?θpe?st] n. 牙膏

top [t?p] n. 顶部,(物体的)上面

at the top of sth 在......的

topic [?t?p?k] n. 题目, 话题

tortoise [?t?p?k] n. 乌龟

total [?t??t(?)l] a. 总数的;总括的;完全的,全然的 n.合计,总计 v.合计为

He is totally blind.

A total of 400, 00 people were killed in the earthquake.

There are 50,000 students in our school in total. (=altogether=in all总共)

totally [?t?t(?)l?] ad. 总合地, 完全地

touch [t?t?] vt. 触摸, 接触

touching adj. 打动人的

touched adj. 受到触动的

stay in touch with sb=keep in touch with sb 与某人保持联系

lose touch with sb 和某人失去联系

get in touch with sb取得联系

be in touch with sb 和某人又联系

be out of touch with sb 和某人没有联系

tough [?t?t(?)l?] a. 坚硬的;结实的;棘手的, 难解的

I know how easy it is to begin smoking and how tough it is to stop.


Don’t be too tough on/with him---he was only a child.


tour [t??(r)] n. 参观, 观光, 旅行

tourism [?t??r?z(?)m] n. 旅游业;观光

tourist [?t??r?st] vn. 旅行者, 观光者

tournament [?t??n?m?nt; (US) ?t??rn-] n. 锦标赛, 联赛

toward(s) [t??w??d] prep. 向, 朝, 对于

towel [?ta??l] n. 毛巾

tower [?ta??(r)] n. 塔

town [ta?n] n. 城镇, 城

live in town

live in the countryside

go to town 去城里

go out of town 出城

toy [t??] n. 玩具, 玩物

track [tr?k] n. 轨道;田径

keep track of 跟踪/跟踪了解

lose track of 失去联系

As to dealing with such problems, you are on the right track.


tractor [?tr?kt?(r)] n. 拖拉机

trade [tre?d] n.贸易 vt.用…进行交换

international trade国际贸易

trade A for B 用A换B

tradition [tr??d??(?)n] n. 传统, 风俗

by tradition 按照惯例

religious/ cultural traditions 宗教/文化传统

traditional adj. 传统的

traditionally adv. 传统地

traditional [tr??d??(?)n] a. 传统的, 风俗的

traffic [?tr?f?k] n. 交通, 来往车辆

at the traffic lights在交通灯那里

There are traffic jams at the corner every day.


traffic lights [?tr?f?k la?ts] n.交通指挥灯红绿灯

train [tre?n] n. 火车 v. 培训,训练



train sb for sth 为…...对某人进行培训

train sb as a fireman 把某人训练成消防队员

trainer [tre??n?(r)] n. 训练人;教练

training [?tre?n??] n. 培训

tram [tr?m] n. 有轨电车

transform [tr?ns?f??m] v.使改变形态,使改观

translate [tr?ns?le?t] vt. 翻译

translation [tr?ns?le??(?)n] n. 翻译;译文

translation n. 翻译, 译文

Translate the sentence from Chinese into English.

transparent [tr?ns?p?r?nt] a.透明的, 清澈的

translator [tr?ns'leit?] n. 翻译家, 译者

transport [tr?ns?p??t] n.& vt.运输

transportation n. 运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放

The bike is a useful means of transportation.


trap [tr?p] n. 陷阱 vt. 使陷入困境

set/lay/place a trap for mice 给eth老鼠设置陷阱

fall into/get out of a trap 陷入/脱离陷阱

Having been trapped in traffic, he was late for work.


travel [?tr?v(?)l] n.& vi.旅行

traveller/traveler 旅行者

Light travels faster than sound.


traveler [?tr?v?l?(r)] n. 旅行者

treasure [?tre??(r)] n. 金银财宝, 财富

treasure our friendship

treat [tri?t] vt. 对待, 看待

treatment n. 治疗,处理

under treatment 在治疗中

It’s my treat. 我请客

treat sb to sth 用某物款待某人

treat sb as/ like… 对待某人像......

treatment [?tri?tm?nt] n. 治疗,疗法

tree [tri?] n. 树

tremble [?tremb(?)l] v. 颤抖

trend [trend] n. 趋势, 倾向, 动态

trial [?tra??l] n. 审判;试验;试用

triangle [?tra???ɡ(?)l] n.& adj.三角形;三角形的

trick [tr?k] n. 诡计, 把戏

play a trick on sb 捉弄/欺骗某人

trip [tr?p] n. 旅行, 旅程

go on a trip to a place 去某地旅行

trolley-bus [?tr?l?- b?s] n. 无轨电车

troop [tru?p] n. 部队 vi. 成群结队地走

trouble [?tr?b(?)l] vt. 使苦恼,使忧虑,使麻烦 n. 问题,疾病,烦恼,麻烦

I am sorry to trouble you, but can you tell me his address?

trouble sb to do 麻烦某人做某事

have trouble with sth./ have trouble (in) doing 干某事有困难

get into/out of trouble 陷入困境 /摆脱困境

take trouble to do sth. 尽力做某事

troublesome [?tr?b(?)ls?m] a.令人烦恼, 讨厌

trousers [?tra?z?z] n. 裤子, 长裤

truck [tr?k] n. 卡车, 运货车;车皮 v. 装车;用货车运

true [tru?] a. 真的, 真实的;忠诚的

My dream came true.= I realized my dream.

truly [?tru?l?] ad. 真正地, 真实地

trunk [tr??k] n. 树干;大箱子

trust [tr?st] vt. 相信, 信任, 信赖

truth [tru?θ] n. 真理,事实,真相,实际

tell the truth 说实话

try [tru?θ] v. 试, 试图, 努力

try on 试穿

try out试用

have a try 试一下

try the case审理案件

try to do 努力

try doing试着干

try one’s best to do =do one’s best to do 尽力做某事

T-shirt [ti?- ???t] n. T恤衫

tube [tju?b; (US) tu?b] n. 管, 管状物

tune [tju?n; (US) tu?n] n. 曲调, 曲子

Tuesday [?tju?zde?] n. 星期二

turkey [?t??k?] n. 火鸡

turn [t??n] v. 旋转, 翻转, 转变, 转弯 n. 轮流, (轮流的)顺序

in turn=by turns 轮流(作状语)

take turns to do=take turns at doing(作谓语)

It is my turn. 该我了。

turn against sb/sth 背叛

turn back 返回

turn down调低,拒绝

turn up 开大,上涨,到来,露面

turn in 上交(=hand in)

turn to 转向,变成,求助于

turn off 关掉

turn on 打开

turn over 翻过来

turn A into/to B 把A变成B

turn out (to be) n/adj/ adv 结果是,证明是(强调与预料的相反)

turning n [?t??n??] 拐弯处, 拐角处

tutor [?tju?t?(r)] n. 家庭教师, 私人教师, 导师

TV(缩) = television [,ti?'vi?] n. 电视机

twelfth [twelfθ] num. 第十二

twelve [twelv] num. 十二

twentieth vnum. 第二十

twenty [?twent?] num. 二十

twenty-first [?twent?- [f??st] num. 第二十一

twenty-one [?twent?- w?n] num. 二十一

twice [twa?s] ad. 两次;两倍

twin [tw?st] n. 双胞胎之一

twist [tw?st] v./ n. 使弯曲, 转动

two [tu?] num. 二

type [?ta?p] vt. 打字

typewriter [?ta?pra?t?(r)] n. 打字机

typical [?t?p?k(?)l] a. 典型的, 有代表性的, 特有的

be typical of 是......的特点

It is typical of you to be so gentle.


typhoon [ta??fu?n] n. 台风

typist [?ta?p?st] n. 打字员

tyre (美tire) [ta??] n. 轮胎

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