
张华 47 0


like /la?k/ v. 喜欢,喜爱 像

ouch /a?t?/ int. 哎哟(突然疼痛时发出的声音) aochi

table tennis 乒乓球

ride v 骑马,骑自行车,乘车

skip /sk?p/ v. 蹦蹦跳跳地走;跳绳

exercise /?eks?sa?z/ . 运动,锻炼;(一套)动作,体操;练习

morning exercises 早操,晨练

coffee /?k?fi/ 咖啡

report /r??p??t/ v. 报道;据说,传闻;述说

1、He's tall. He's short.

This man is tall. That man is short.

This monkey 七日终极墓地情降 is small and thin.

That monkey is big and fat.

2、at the zoo 在动物园

He has some lions. 他有一些狮子

3、Lions are big. 狮子很大

Cats are small. 猫咪很小

Pandas are fat. 熊猫很胖

4、I like them all. 我都喜欢

I don't like football.

I like morning 黑法情降和合灯 exercises. 我喜欢做早操

I like swimming.

I like skipping. 我喜欢跳绳

I like riding my bike. 我喜欢骑自行车

I like coffee

I like tea.

I like cats.

They like me.

I don't like lions.

They don't like me.

I like football and basketball.
