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月老婚姻  姓名配对 爱情运势  八字合婚

牛年运程  八字精批 号码吉凶  公司测名


































月老婚姻  姓名配对 爱情运势  八字合婚

牛年运程  八字精批 号码吉凶  公司测名





In that case, you won’t be able to use mine, Han Bi shook his head. Just exchange it yourself. Just use points for it.生辰八字



I want you to look after these two people, Newton laughed. I cannot trust that Du Ya, his self-control is simply too weak.

Sara laughed gently and sent a flirtatious glance at Newton. She walked over and looked at the Japanese flight attendant.

Shizuka’s eyes became wide open as she looked at Sara in horror. Chief flight attendant?

Sara laughed. Chief flight attendant? Ah, I nearly forgot, my host body’s identity is the plane’s chief flight attendant. Unfortunately, I am not your Chief flight attendant. Also… Sara stared at the Japanese flight attendant’s face. Looking at your beautiful face makes me irritated. Do not talk to me and do not provoke me, or else I will carve your face right now.生辰八字

Takashimoto Shizuka’s body trembled, she bit her lips and was too fearful to say a thing. She could only use her frightened eyes to look at Sara.

Sara then knelt down before Soo Soo.

Chen Xiaolian had found another difference between him and Han Bi!

He simply does not know anything about those points. As for the Exchange System… there is none in his System Interface!生辰八字

Originally, he had thought that he was only different from those real players… after all he is an unauthorized entrant.

Unexpectedly… even though the both of them are unauthorized entrants, there are actually differences between them?

My points are not enough, Chen Xiaolian smiled bitterly. Could you borrow me some first?


Cat food, right? Han Bi did not give it much thought. He immediately exchanged out a jar of pet food from the system生辰八字

Chen Xiaolian accepted it, a small glass jar. He opened it and glanced inside to find that there are tens of pieces inside…


Cat shaped biscuits!

Feeding one is enough for 24 hours. In addition, a pet that has been fed could slowly recover from injuries and physical strength when placed within the system. Pets cannot recover if they are hungry, Han Bi laughed. This jar of cat food costs 5 points, remember to pay me back.

Chen Xiaolian had wanted to ask what ‘points’ are and how to acquire them in order to exchange out those items.生辰八字

However, their current location makes it inconvenient to discuss these matters. Moreover, his heart had become increasingly uneasy. He simply chose to shut his mouth.

Summoning Garfield out, Chen Xiaolian fed it a small piece of cat biscuit. Seeing his dying pet eat up, he then threw it back into the system.

Quickly go to sleep. We may have to begin the Instance Dungeon Quest tomorrow, Han Bi said in a low tone. Revitalize yourself, only then could we have the strength to protect ourselves.生辰八字

Instance Dungeon Quest!

These words caused Chen Xiaolian’s eyebrows to jump.

Clearly… Han Bi knows the specifics involved in the Instance Dungeon Quest!

For Chen Xiaolian however, the description for the Instance Dungeon Quest could still not be opened!

… this is yet another difference!

Am I really an NPC? An NPC who picked up a player’s equipment?

With this question hovering in his mind, Chen Xiaolian closed his eyes. The past two days had indeed been tiring for him.生辰八字

Even before the skies had turned bright, Chen Xiaolian had already woken up. His physique that had been strengthened was clearly far superior to the common people. Although he had only slept for a few hours, his mind felt fully rejuvenated.

Looking around, he saw that the camp had become busy. As for those from the newbie group, they were all up busy with their own personal matters.

In the other team’s camps, preparations of weapons and equipment could be observed. Strangely shaped swords and other weapons were brought out. There were also some odd looking fire arms. For example, there were those that resembled rocket-launchers, while some others gave off an extreme sci-fi feeling.生辰八字

At this moment, a sharp voice was heard.

Team Leader, look what we found!

A tall and lanky man quickly strode into the Wind Slasher Guild’s camp.

A shining baldhead, fine lined chin and a big nose, he wore a black cloak and both his wrists were wearing exaggerated metal bracers.生辰八字

This person is called Du Ya. Be careful. Among the members of Wind Slasher Guild, this person is the most sinister and ruthless. For the past few days that I have been in this Wind Slasher Guild, I have suffered no small amount thanks to him. Even though Damon is rude, he only has a bad temper. But this Du Ya… at any rate, just be careful of him.

Han Bi who was standing beside Chen Xiaolian warned him in a low tone.

Unfortunately… Chen Xiaolian heard none of those words!

His eyes were wide open as he stared at the one called Du Ya… or more accurately, he was looking at the two figures behind him!生辰八字

Anger flashed within Chen Xiaolian’s eyes!

Takashimoto Shizuka and Soo Soo had their bodies tied up with a metal rope that seemed to be sparkling with a certain rhythm.

Both of them seemed dispirited as they followed behind Du Ya. It was clear that they were being forced.

Shizuka’s expression was one of stupor, her eyes carrying a deep amount of fear as she lowered her head, too fearful to look around. The arm and sleeves area of her flight uniform was torn off. Soo Soo was even more pitiful.生辰八字

The little loli’s face was dirty and filled with dust, leaving two trails of tears down each cheeks, her eyes swollen and red. She had been sobbing non-stop all the way. On her feet, only one shoe could be seen.

Under those circumstances, Chen Xiaolian suddenly felt a surge of blood rushing into his head!

GOR Chapter 14: Internally Worried Externally Distressed

GOR Chapter 14: Internally Worried Externally Distressed生辰八字

Before Chen Xiaolian could make his move, Han Bi suddenly moved over. Standing right beside Chen Xiaolian, he secretly pinched Chen Xiaolian’s wrist.

Do not act impulsively!

Han Bi spoke in a low tone.

Chen Xiaolian gritted his teeth and turned to look at Han Bi.

Han Bi looked at the two females and whispered. That younger one… I remember that she is the one seated beside you. Is she an acquaintance? Friend or little sister?

While he spoke, Han Bi glanced at Chen Xiaolian and quickly continued in a low voice. Regardless, do not act impulsively… once you charge out, then everything will be over. Your identity will be exposed and you can forget about saving them! Endure, then wait patiently for the opportunity…生辰八字

Newton had already moved towards Du Ya. Looking at Du Ya, he then looked at the two girls behind. What is going on?

Ha, I do not know what is going on either. I was hunting a War Beast; unexpectedly, the hunt led me farther away and actually brought me all the way back to the aircraft area. In the end… look what I found!生辰八字

Two NPCs? Newton curled the corners of his mouth. Moving closer, he looked at the two females with a cold expression. Takashimoto Shizuka was scared to the point of having her entire body shiver while Soo Soo bit down hard on her lips, tears falling down from her eyes.

Newton’s expression turned odd. I did not hear anything about this instance having NPCs. This is a harvesting type instance and the selected location is one that is not densely populated. As for those in the plane, they should all be host bodies. Why would there be NPCs present?生辰八字

Who the Hell knows. But… this would not be the first time that the Development Team made a mistake, Du Ya sneered as he stretched out his tongue to lick his lips. His eyes was turned towards Shizuka in a greedy manner as he openly stared at the flight attendant’s stocking covered legs. Team Leader, since this is an accidental harvest, how about giving them to me? We have been preparing here for three days and have been feeling too bored. We might as well have some fun. Hahaha…生辰八字

Development Team problems will be reported by me when I return, Newton spoke with a cold voice. Du Ya, constrain yourself. If this was two days ago, I would not have cared what you wanted to do. However, today is different – the instance dungeon is about to open. Reserve your physical strength. If there is still time after this instance is complete, this woman will be your toy; you can do whatever you want with her – but not now! If you mess up this quest, I will personally tear out your bones!生辰八字

A trace of disappointment and indignation flashed across Du Ya’s eyes and he grunted. Very well, you are the Team Leader!

He turned around and moved beside Takashimoto Shizuka, raising his nose on purpose and sniffed at the Japanese flight attendant’s neck. He laughed. How fragrant… this is truly a pleasant surprise! However, good things could be left for last. Once the quest is completed, I will take my time to enjoy you.生辰八字

Having said that, he extended his hand and heavily slapped down onto Takashimoto Shizuka’s buttocks. The Japanese flight attendant screamed sharply, dodging over to the side and


